UPB QAO’s core mandate is to provide overall guidance and assistance pertaining to quality assurance across all units of UP Baguio. This is in line with the University’s commitment to ensuring that all academic programs, research initiatives, and administrative processes that benefit the students adhere to prevailing national and international quality standards.
Contact Details
Office Information
QA Office Email: qualityassurance.upbaguio@up.edu.ph
QA Office Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/qualityassuranceupbaguio
Physical Location: Legal Office, Iskolar ng Bayan Bldg.
Prof. Rizavel C. Addawe, Ph.D.
Quality Assurance Officer
Nicole Binuya
QA Office Junior Office Assistant
Service and Programs
QA Evidence Request [code: hyperlinked and must redirect to QA email]
QA Survey Request [code: hyperlinked and must redirect to QA email]
News and Updates
Upcoming Events
13 November 2023: Special Meeting with University Research Assistants
Link: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nZm7ftc3tTeZP42A/?mibextid=WC7FNe
28-29 September 2023: Local AUN-QA Program Assessment of BS Biology Program with Professor Emeritus Ernelea P. Cao of the Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, and our very own Vice Chancellor for Administration and Professor Santos Jose Dacanay III, of the Institute of Management, College of Social Sciences.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/onQzrJw8xkYMsxRc/?mibextid=WC7FNe
18-20 August 2023: University-wide Asean University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Self-Assessment Report Writing (SAR) Workshop at San Juan, La Union
Link: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/NQwvhL47dJQS7XDz/?mibextid=WC7FNe
29-2 September 2022: 291st AUN-QA Programme Assessment at University of the Philippines (UP)
Link: https://aunsec.org/news/aun-qa-overview-290th-291st-aun-qa-programme-assessments
11-14 March 2024 : AUN-QA Program Assessment of BS Biology Program
October 2024: Local External Quality Assessment of Master of Management Program
14-16 January 2025: AUN-QA Program Assessment of Master of Management, MS Mathematics, BS Computer Science, and BS Physics
11-13 November 2025: AUN-QA Program Assessment of BA Social Sciences, BA Language and Literature, B Fine Arts, and BA Communication